Columnists, Writers & Reviewers:   And more...the guest writers Max • Peter Beresford Christopher Bunney • Brian Collins Dave Slipp • David Buxton Gary Brown & Susan Allen • Lawrence Nyveen Subscribe After the large number of requests from our last issue, you can now email us and get yourself added to our DocMaker subscribe list [go on it's FREE to all Mac users]. [your email will •NOT• be given out to third parties for spaming] This is NOT a mailing list, you will ONLY recieve your once a month email with our present issue. If you would like to subscribe send an email to: Why are we called 1984? After the two thousandth email asking me why I called the ezine 1984 I'll come clean and tell you if you can't work it out. 1984 'IS' the year it all began for Mac users. The term Mac came into being with the release of the 128k Macintosh computer. The 128 was the most innovative machine of its era. Just like today, Mac's are the innovative machines others follow and can only wonder how it's done. I wanted something short and to the point,1984 was the year it all begin and we are a homage to that. 1984 online magazine carries the attributes and philosophies that made Apple what it is to day- Style and thinking different. Proof Readers, pre-flight control Lee Foster - Preflight Katie Whane Josh 'words' O'Neail Mike Shepard Chief ezine Reviewer Karl-Peter Gottschalk Internal Art and Layout By Darren Edwards - headers, layout, buttons & text Thanks for the additional headers by: Lee Foster - Foster Files Mark Tennant - MacMuser Cover Art Our cover as always by the excellent Jacques Daviault: The right to review 1984 online ezine is affiliated to no one, we speak for ourselves and are110% independent.. We try to evaluate software/hardware from an unbiased user point of view . If you have anything you believe we should cover let us know. Similarly if your company has just released/updated a product for the MacPlatform please contact us to discuss evaluation copies and release date/promotions. editor Special Thanks to for the Icon for the DocMaker file. Check his new site update. Director's of Marketing & Public Relations Gary Lyons - US Darren Edwards - UK Technical Director Max The Tool Shop 1984 ezine was produced with the following software: Adobe PhotoShop/Illustrator/PDFWriter - Apple/ClarisWorks/Homepage/simpleText - MacLinkPlus - MacOS 7.5/7.6/8.1 and 8.5.1 - DocMaker - DropStuff/StuffIt Expander -   Ezine Darren Edwards - eZine editor Chris Patmore - DPF Layout/Assistant editor Lee Foster - eZine preflight Web Paul Hughes - online editor/publisher  Darren Edwards - site design/art ©1998/9 Retrospective & 1984 online magazine.